12. September 2016
2016-09-11 RE- inspection/First competition day
12. September 2016


My birthday, first one to call was my husband which was great! So now I was on duty,


checking wheelchair accessibility and re- directing wheelchairs for the trot up, so they could see properly. 

All the German horses passed the trot up without a problem and we’re accepted. But there are still quiet some to be re-inspected in the morning.



We figured that a little birthday party would be nice, so thanks to Amanda and Estella we managed to buy some stuff. The shopping was great. We had people come up and talk to us, wanting to know what we are doing, where we come from etc. handicapped girl just came up and hugged us. I invited them to come and see. I think those are the really important moments and I hope I get more chances like that. 


Angelika Trabert
Angelika Trabert
"It's ABILITY, not DISABILITY that Counts !"

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